Friday, June 17, 2011

Things That Inspire Me: Iris Apfel

Like most people, I'm not super jazzed about aging- -but I am ridiculously reassured and inspired by people who add their own flare, style and charm to the process. I recently read a very cool article about Iris Apfel in Architectural Digest, and it compelled me to want to know more. I mean, the glasses, the outfits- -she's so clearly the kind of older woman that I will end up being (or that I aspire to be anyway).

LOVE: Jean Shrimpton

It's sad to admit, but I didn't know who Jean Shrimpton was until I read Patti Boyd's Autobiography. I love that not only is she just stunning, but she's also an icon from an era and scene that I wish I could have been a part of. Please enjoy a few of my favorite images of her.
