Thursday, July 28, 2011

LOVE: Sexy Closets

It probably comes as no surprise that I like my closets like I like everything- -BIG! I also like a really ecclectic mix of different textures and colors. There are a whole world of closets that I find really sterile and boring- -for instance some of the "MTV Crib-esque" closets of celebrities look less comfortable and more "I'm in a department store." Not for me. Here are a few that I'm loving. I should probably photograph my own closet, which is more of an entire room with some items that have spilled over into the guest room closets and bureaus. Anyway, enough about me and more about delicious clothes collections!

This is an iconic closet for most of us ladies

MORE Rachel Zoe

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. All of these images are courtesy of

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Random Inspiration: "Sexy Smoking"

Is it responsible for me to promote smoking? I don't know...but I've always been a big fan of Free Will and making your own choices.....AND, I didn't manifest these photos myself and make all of these people gorgeous and interesting-looking.....and give them cigarettes whilst I snapped photos (although, that would have made for a much better story). Long story short, I was craving a cigarette as I sometimes do and I Google Image Searched "Sexy Smoking." No joke. This is what came up...and thank God for that. So, please enjoy a bunch of sexy people that we'd all like to have sex they happily enjoy their respective carcinogens in a sexy sexy sexy fashion.